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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Violence Against Women Act

 An old article about the Violence Against Women Act states that Republicans voted against it, because it added new firearms restrictions for persons guilty of domestic violence and also added protections for transgender and same sex couples.

Violence is violence so why would they care if the VAGA included other victims of domestic violence. I was surprised to see Liz Cheney on the list of  Republicans who voted against it. Not surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene voted nay. She is cozy with Trump who supports violence. 

Steven Cobb commented on March 19, 2021:

More men are abused by women physically and emotionally than women abused in any way by men. Women disregard court ordered parenting plans, alienate children while the courts let them unless the father has a competent attorney, women litterally can claim ANY abuse and people believe it without question even many judges and prosecutors, it's even worse for black men.

Men are not prone to reporting abuse and they do not gain the same sympathy as a female would anyways, however in some places this is slowly changing. If there are going to be "believe all women" laws then there should be the same for men as well as #metoo.

Any legislation that targets one group giving them advantage legally, morally,ethically and or methodically(which it always is) should be the same for all sexes and colors of people. Don't let the Left who is the party of the "Good Ol Boys" divide us and use usM

(spelling error is his, he did not have paragraph breaks, and I have been unable to fix that, yet easier to read with the white space)

Person who posted after Steve asked for sources and stats. No reply at all. Last sentence is enough to make me roll on the floor laughing. As usual, just showing his prejudices. The VAWA is not limited to one skin color.

Women are also not prone to reporting abuse. Same sex couples could be two men, eh? Transgender could be either or both male/female. It is his beloved Republicans that do not want to include all. Did Steven Cobb even read the article?

Right now the GOP is targeting one group ~ females ~ liberty for men, not for women? Women can not claim any abuse, they must show proof of abuse. You know the black eyes, broken arms, choke marks on necks. An abused man could likewise press charges against abuse from domestic partner.

I have a brother who could be called "hen pecked," but his wife is not physically abusive. The many, many couples I personally know or have known bicker & argue, but no physical abuse. The ones who have been physically and verbally abused are all women, one abused by a female lover, the rest were abused by husbands.

The "especially for black men" sounds like another stereotype. I believe we are all humans, violence not limited to one ethnic group over another. The exception would be patriarchal societies. Even in the U.S. rule of thumb gave husbands the right to beat their wives.

Steven's comment divides. Democrats=bad. Women=bad. VAWA=bad. The Republicans that voted nay, are the ones creating division, rather than inclusion.

Why would they think a proven guilty violent person be allowed to own guns? Sad.

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