Friday, November 18, 2022

Woe is U.S.

 "Trump’s admiration for someone who can be “president for life” comes through here loud and clear." article author

I believe if he were, our troops would already be in Ukraine helping his genius buddy Putin to destroy the country. 

Can't say Nuclear because nuclear is devastating?

Yeah, I know, when you were 30 something, your uncle explained to you that nuclear was devastating. Most citizens were much younger when they learned that ~ Hiroshima ring a bell?

I am guessing, now, that his prio wondering why we could not use nuclear weapons if we have them, is why he said he can't say nuclear? 

9. “And Ukraine, which would have never happened if I were your president.”

19. “I said, ‘If you just keep a little bit lower standard, you’re going to have a big victory.’”

He should know. 

I have been saying in comments for a long time that T wanted to be president for life. It seems GOP voters would prefer a T dynasty. Tired. Maybe tomorrow I will search for what he said about Putin, and wanting to do the same. Too bad he lost, else he would be well on his way to emperor status.

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