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Friday, November 18, 2022

Blue Ribbon Committees

 What are Blue Ribbon committees? I will search to find out after I finish up here. 

Why did he create them previously if he hates them so much?

Is he saying during Obama's administration unifying people was going on? 

Still the same ole don, claiming to invent words. 

43. “That’s the only answer, no more ‘blue ribbon.’ I refuse to create them anymore.”

26. “We’re going to unify people. And it was happening in the previous

40. “In the caravans. I love the name. I came up with it. I love the name.” administration, previous to the previous.”

Verbal Abusive Bully

 51. “I go home and she says, ‘You look angry and upset.’ I say, ‘Just leave me alone.’”

Nuff said? 

I remember in an interview when he said when he gets home from work, he expects dinner on the table and gets very upset if it is not. 

He took his domestic verbal abuse to a nationwide level. 

I miss Barack; he clearly loved Michelle. He might have been the one to say to her: you look angry and upset. Followed by, Do you want to tell me about it? Can I get you a glass of wine? Give her a hug, massage her shoulders, cracked a joke to make her laugh. 

I do not know if Bill/Hillary would have barked: leave me alone. Ladybird and LBJ? Most definitely not Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. 

Everyone has bad days. Married partners might snap at each other, and ask to be left alone. Yet it seems he rejected his wife's offering comfort. 

I needed

 I needed this laugh.

The 51 most outlandish lines from Donald Trumps announcement speech

33. “I didn’t need this. I had a nice easy life.”

45. “I don’t like to think of myself as a politician, but I guess that’s what I am. I hate that thought.”

46. “I’m a victim. I will tell you.”

Poor, poor baby, so, then, go home and do not do it. I mean who is holding a gun to his head, forcing him to force himself on citizens of the world.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 I used to believe MAGA was actually Make America White Again. Now I think it is Make America Worse Again. Save America? Destroy America is more apt. We do need to be saved from him, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Q publicans, Christians who should not be involved with earthly affairs.

Insomnia, I went back to an article I read comments on last night. I wanted to comment on the love note to #45, "he is right ~ they do rape, increase crime, bring in drugs" lots of hearts, praying hands, blessings, and a U.S. of A. flag flapping in the wind. 

I did not find that comment, even though I went to "show oldest first." I did reply to some asine comments. Even to a T-hater who said "okay boomer" to Fred who ranted about liberals have DESTROYED the country. I mentioned to "okay boomer" that this old lady boomer knows that it is the GOP who are trying to destroy liberty for women and that Democrats want liberty for all citizens

I wanted to ask the lady why she is waving a flag, if she is such a good Christian; Jesus said you can not serve two masters. (I assume it was a she.) Do they realize that there are Christians worldwide? So the person is gonna hate thy Christian neighbor? Lots of Mexican Christians. Mexican/Americans also. 

She might do well reading her Bible, than listening to that man. Especially Matthew 23/24, and Luke "he will say I never knew you."

May the gullible

 May (expressing possibility) the gullible fact check. Um, did I make that clear? I do not want to say, "pray that the gullible fact check." I wanted to post on my Facebook Timeline and add:

Can I get an amen? 

However my sarcasm will likely be missed. A cousin who recently joined FB is fond of typing those Amens, causing me to post (again) about phisher bots. 

The other day I almost removed a fairly new friend. Her mother, my cousin's wife, had died. I used to babysit the girl and her brother, when they were young. I will see if she applauds T's announcement, then she goes bye, bye.

I am considering removing a sister and a long time friend. Better for me to finish up Farm Town game, clean up my wall and bid FB goodbye.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 People called me ageist when I mentioned candidates being too old, yet I do believe Nancy Pelosi, at 82 needs to retire. 66 or 67 are retirement ages to receive full earned SS benefits. Both T & Biden should also opt out and let some younger candidates take over.

I have lived in two senior buildings and do know that senior's activity and health varies among them. Some in their 90s are sharper than others much younger. 

I did not know much about Nancy other than T's peeps hate her, until a friend mentioned hating her voice. I listened to Biden speaking for the first time. There voices sound aged. The world changes rapidly; I want elected officials that grew up in a modern world, not those who grew up in the same years or slightly before than myself. 

I recall Bill saying Hillary had 'senior moments.' Yikes, I have had them; would not want a president answering a 3AM red phone call, having a moment.

don't be so smug or else

 A lot of cheering about the red wave being a red dribble. I recall the line from a song: don't be so smug, or else. It was about a girl, and the guy who warned her about another guy. Now he can laugh, laugh, because she got just what she deserved.

Reminder: there was not much of a blue wave either. GOP candidates that lost to Democrats, did not lose by a large margin, some just %age points. I saw one Democrat that lost by a large number of votes. The rest were basically neck in neck.  Gloat now, cry later. 

I hope the trend continues. I am happy Mastriano and Oz lost. Walker should have lost as well. I understand Warnock is not popular. Yet peeps compare Walker's DID to Fetterman's stroke. None of those 3 have prior government experience. They are Trump extremists. If they could not be defeated by a large number of votes, we, the sane, people are still in trouble. 

For the record, I am not Blue, I am Green. I think I voted for the Peace & Freedom party candidate, or some Women's party, that appealed to me. Due to Roe v Wade and #45, I no longer bother checking out other parties, just vote straight Democrat ~ blue no matter who. I like Fetterman's vision, but not so sure about his Charitable foundation.

It seems it is legit, yet I think elected officials should hold off on starting not for profit charitable foundations, until after they no longer hold office. Mainly a way to avoid paying taxes, me thinks. 

Response to Twitter comments

 I do not do twitter. Even if I did, it is useless to reply to the cocksure stupid. 

("The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.Z" Bertrand Russell.)

Kay B, duh. Did you know that a recently defeated GOP wannabe governor wanted to ban all abortions, because all abortions are murder? Protestors do not want individual states to deny liberty to citizens based on gender. Got that?

The others are bigots, men have sex with females of all shapes, sizes, ages (elderly and children,) who are they to judge a women's sex appeal. They also commented about education level. How is it possible to know if someone is a college student or not (the comments said, "not." from a video. Idiots. My daughter stresses being kind; Michelle Obama says when they go low, we go high. Apologize for expressing my true feelings, no matter how low or unkind.

Several jumped on some lengthy code, saying it is illegal to blah, blah, blah. I did not copy it. Others pointed out that the ladies were parading on public sidewalks, not standing in front of the Justice's house. They could be guilty of "trying to influence" a Justice. Justice's are more likely to be influenced by lobbyists like Ginny Thomas showering them with $$$$$$$$$. Barret is as uneducated and misogynists as the men who do not know about D & C's, non-viable pregnancies, and everything else I keep saying.

Castem Embers Saved $8 & KingFreak49

We read the book, we comprehend it. You know that old saw, first they came for...women's liberty, but I did not speak out, because I am not a women (or I am a Christian)...

We are aware of Hitler's tactics aped by #45. We are aware that they want to ban contraceptives next. LGBTs are still fighting for liberty guaranteed all citizens. Same Sex marriage is next on the GOP/Christian chopping block. 

States are not allowed to make laws that violate Federal law. The Supreme Court just handed states the right to deny liberty to women. Women in Handmaid's tale were denied liberty. Get it, Castem Embers Saved $8 & KingFreak49?

Twitter comments

 Twitter comments on video showing women dressed as Handmaids protesting in front of  Justice Amy Coney Barrett's home.

From KingFreak49

They need to read and comprehend the book. Not being able to abort a child is no where near the Handmaid's Tale.

Castem Embers Saved $8

It's like they don't realize the book is about a shutdown of free society and imposition of religious coverings due to a pandemic and to show piety by religious zealots, and that they are religious zealots doing this.

My favorite, Kay B

Do they understand that abortion is not banned just going back to the states to vote on so maybe just maybe spend their time focused on the voters in their own states.

Ian Howorth

You know this is just like the Handmaid's Tale because they are allowed to protest and then go home afterwards, all while no-one is raped to procreate for the wealthy elite.


So we have a bunch of women that no one would sleep with protesting for abortion rights. This is laughable.

It goes on, with criticizing them for wearing masks; another shows an image of Patriot protesters wearing masks, with comment saying they refuse to wear a mask on airplanes, yet...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Knife threat

 A 38 year old man was arrested after he walking into a polling place in West Bend, Wisconsin, with a knife, demanding they stop the voting. No one was hurt, voting was stopped for 30 minutes. Library staff, poll workers and citizens hid in a closed voting room location until police cleared the location for more possible violence. 


"Austin Gene Combs confessed to shooting Anthony Lee King “several times with a revolver” while the 43-year-old victim and his wife were doing yardwork..." Okeana, Ohio. 

Austin killed King because he thought King was a Democrat. 

Comments about political violence:

John wrote

It started with Gingrich as he demonized Democrats by referring to them as the "enemy" instead of opponent. Trump made it worse and now we have this...welcome to GOP's America.

Casey replied:

No, it started with Medal of Freedom "winner" Rush Limbaugh becoming popular and creating syncophants and imitators on right wing "news" radio in the early 90's. Before that there was division but at least a moderate amount of respect to those with diverging opinions. Now it's just unbelievable how unstable this whole right wing has become towards their fellow Americans. Sorry not sorry, but patriotism is more than just how many flags you can stick on your pickup truck, and there is more to the Constitution than just the 2nd Amendment.

Zelda's 'two cents'

Yes, Rupert Murdoch has contributed to the destruction of journalism in multiple English-speaking countries, including the U.S.

Happy in his ignorance, Cas

 Yes, i heard this on conservative talk radio. think for yourself instead of repeating whatever u hear.

I am not sure who Cas was replying to. Just in the middle of debate about slow election returns. One person said to be patient, we have been voting for 200 years. We get projected winners soon after polls close. Might have to stay up past ones bedtime to see how Alaska and Hawaii citizens voted. 

Oh, but, Cas, you must be extremely happy. He heard something then admonishes others to think, not repeat what he heard. Oh, man, laughing at his idiocy. 

Andrew wants a Skew code (bar code) issued to every voter, scan, move on. Simple, except for peeps in a hospital bed, or the military person overseas. Does the U.S. send machines to all those remote locations, hire poll workers to man the machines? Oh, excuse me a moment, Captain, I need to go vote, hold the fort until I get back.

I got bumped from article comments I was reading. I tried using the back arrow, but it went to Yahoo news page and I do not know which article I was reading. I was enjoying the sparring.

Ignorance is Bliss

 You must be very happy. 

I loved that reply to a comment. I got signed out of Yahoo. Relapsed, and replied to a lot of comments earlier. I truly want to use that posters words to reply to:


no reason to allow for mail in votes, just because you dont feel like going to a booth. Lots of others tried to educate her. I would add: Write that down, date it, and read it again when you are in the hospital, having a baby, recovering from bad car accident, gall bladder surgery. Or when it is your mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent. When you are 74, or 82, or 95. And it is do not, or don't.

Caren wrote Lotto drawing can tell us exactly where the tickets were sold within hours and there are hundreds of millions of those sold weekly. But we wait days or weeks for people to count votes with machines.

Do those machines tell the name of the person who bought the tickets? Their proof of age (will need to be 18+ to cash in, I believe,) their SS# (for tax purposes,) their address?  

People who buy lottery tickets are not casting votes for multiple candidates in various districts, states, nor voting yes or no on referendum issues. Would a small rural town have enough funds to buy a super computer and program to make all those calculations?  

Nice in theory, impractical to implement. Not to mention candidates that cry: foul! Machine manipulation. Shortage of poll workers to feed the ballots into machines. Failure of some districts to report the voting totals for their district. Some big cities have more ballots to feed in the machine.

Voters here put their own ballots in the machines. I doubt the calculating began until after polling place was closed. Small town with say, 500 or a thousand voters, will finish a lot faster than a city with 1/2 a million voters.

Stan has a lot to say:

There is no way the state should say otherwise. I have seen poll workers sitting around drinking coffee and doing nothing while the people vote. People pointed out, to his comment, there is not reason poll workers could not start feeding mail in ballots in the morning, stating some states have a law forbidding that.

I have never seen poll workers sitting around drinking coffee during a presidential election. Mid terms, I would look around wondering where all the voters were, so few compared to presidential election. What I have seen is long lines, waiting upon workers to check for their name on rooster, have them sign it, handing out stickers after they cast their ballot into the machine. I have never seen any with food and drink at the check in or check out tables. They do take lunch elsewhere, bathroom breaks. I wonder if Stan ever worked a 15 hour day for low pay, and did not have coffee or coke or bottled water.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Nikki Haley

 "the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock" ~ Nikki Haley

Perhaps she is saying send him back to Africa even though he is a born U.S. citizen?

You would never hear a Democrat politician saying,  "deport Herschel Walker," because they do not agree with his political ideology.

Trump likewise targeted U.S. citizens tweeting that  female senators "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

What he said was that the U.S. is broken and crime infested. He also said a judge would not treat him fairly, because he is Mexican. Trump whines all the time about so many things where he feels he is being treated unfairly. A reporter asks a simple question. Rather than answer he shouts, "I would say you are a horrible reporter." The answer did not give me any reassurance regarding COVID.

Comments on the article quoting Haley were basically reasonable. Then there is a one word: "Fetterman." What? More like that, mainly hate filled, regarding politicians, Democrats, not from Georgia.

One comment: Please all Black people in Georgia. Please don't let them do this to this man..He is a good man caught up in negative politics..

Followed by: You think Black people should vote for a candidate because he is Black?

The contest is between two black candidates; one experienced, one DID, who moved to Georgia to run in that state, follows Trump and is miscognist. (well the personality running for office is; the other that allegedly has unprotected sex resulting in pregnancy, might be). Better if she has just said "all people in Georgia."

Maybe the poster bought the hype that it was black people who got President Obama elected? Common sense: there are not enough Blacks in the U.S.A. to swing an election. People of all ethnic backgrounds voted for him because he was a gentleman and a scholar. Plus thy agreed with his proposed policies and not Hillary or John (Edward's.) Hillary, of course, had too much baggage.

Marilyn stated it better: Please, ALL good people in Georgia.

I should have closed article rather than reading more comments. It was tongue in cheek because he supports open borders and she wants them closed because her parents immigrated legally. Immigrants that can afford the huge cost to become U.S. citizens do so legally. 

Do not need to close borders; need to fix  immigration laws. But U.S. citizens have long been known to discriminate against other ethnic groups joining the big melting pot. Tired of that issue.

Deporting U.S. born citizens is "tongue in cheek?" It is racist, when applied to a black skinned person.  Would Haley have wanted to deport, oh, Joe Biden, for instance. 

Back and forth, defend her, blast her, name calling. 

Label Post #45 because he started the "send them back," along with a long line of slurs against others.

Mein Kampf

 History should be a lesson for all. Trump is calling Nancy Pelosi an “animal.”

For context, Hitler was arrested for an attempted coup & briefly incarcerated-wrote Mein Kampf. He referred to Jewish people as rodents/animals, indoctrinated Germans to hate. Please. Pay. Attention.

Tweet from SarahCA, Sarah B Calif, a graduate of UCLA. Tweet was posted in article about Trump calling Nancy Pelosi an animal.

Trump new low

 Trump has been calling people ever since he ran full page ads calling The Central Park 5 animals. I do not remember the ad, but I remember news headlines shouting the word. The worst part of Trump sinking to a new low by calling an 82-year-old woman an animal, after her husband was brutally attacked, is that it is reported that his crowd cheered. Reading comments there were lots of people also applauding his words. "She is an animal," "No, she is a snake." 

Many ranted that we needed to respect Trump. Some said, he has to earn respect. I could never respect him or anyone who supported him.  Respect the position, they said. Did he ever respect the position of Senators, Governors, Mayors, First Ladies, Presidents? No and no and no again. He did not respect POW of war, Gold Star families, disabled, and more. 

That so many agree with him is a sorry, sad, state of the Union. Their hatred lead by him, is what fueled the attack on Paul Pelosi. And they think he is a savior, second only to Jesus? Puke.

Anyway thanks to reading comments, I now know that they accuse Nancy of Insider Trading. I did not find any evidence that she was found guilty of alleged crime. 

Also the haters ranted about a Bullet Train. Accused her husband of getting construction contracts making him rich. The peeps questioned how she could be worth millions on a public servant salary. All I found was how much her investments earned her. How did she invest in real estate, for instance?  Did she buy stocks, did she buy/sell real estate? 

If she did use her position for private gain, she is no worse than Trump who abused his position for private gain.  No one calls him an animal for his multiple violations of ethic laws.  He is not an animal because he bragged that he does not pay taxes. 

I did not find any info as to how much Federal Income Tax she has paid. Or was she smart  like Trump, using loopholes to end up with zero tax owed?

I did learn she & husband have a Charitable organization. Income tax shelter or actually chariable? The organization tax forms are available to view online, a Open Secrets. I did not scroll too far reading down the list of donations to different organizations. Performing Arts Ballet, Latino Heritage...

...will check it out later. Trump, too has a "charitable" organization. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Nancy Pelosi

 Why ever would young punks want to kill Nancy Pelosi? 

She is now 82-years-old. Macho, macho men wanted to murder an old lady. After Jan. 6th,  I was in a FB conversation with a nephew and my sister. She claimed it was Antifa that staged the attack on the Capitol Building ~ a bus load brought them. Jordan rebuffed that. Sister seemed to think the crowd was justified in wanting to kill Nancy.

At the time I did not know Nancy's age. I asked sister dearest hated Nancy. "Well,  don't you remember she tore up his speech?" Omigod. Death sentence justified for ripping up an event program? I did not pay much attention to that incident, other than think: you go, Nancy! Sis could not come up with any other reason for her hatred of Nancy.

A long time friend said she can not stand to listen to Nancy's voice. And, they should get over it. Jan. 6th, 2021. In and out of apartment to do laundry, I saw Nancy giving first interview since her husband's attack. I did not watch of it. I can understand why friend hated her voice. Soft spoken, but sounded like an old lady to me. Which prompted me to search Nancy. 

No wonder she sounds like an old lady, she is. Get over an attack on Government; "Hang Mike Pence,  Kill Nancy Pelosi." Citizens attacking guards with flag poles? Breaking windows, climbing in through them, sitting at Nancy's deak, rifling through papers, spreading feces on walls? 

I continued searching. People often rant about Nancy's wrong doing. What was it? I could not find any wrong that she alleged did. Other than a "scandal" she did not wear a mask in a beauty salon. Oh, yeah, I vaguely recall that uproar. How do they expect a woman to get her long hair washed with a facemask on? So she walks from sink to chair, maskless? Who cares. 

Can anyone tell me what her big crime was? I know legitimate shady things Hillary Clinton actually did. Not the MAGA Trump QAnon lies. I think the Proud Boys and other women-haters hate Nancy because she is a strong woman. Trump, of course, can not tolerate strong women. Jealous, I suppose.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Violence Against Women Act

 An old article about the Violence Against Women Act states that Republicans voted against it, because it added new firearms restrictions for persons guilty of domestic violence and also added protections for transgender and same sex couples.

Violence is violence so why would they care if the VAGA included other victims of domestic violence. I was surprised to see Liz Cheney on the list of  Republicans who voted against it. Not surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene voted nay. She is cozy with Trump who supports violence. 

Steven Cobb commented on March 19, 2021:

More men are abused by women physically and emotionally than women abused in any way by men. Women disregard court ordered parenting plans, alienate children while the courts let them unless the father has a competent attorney, women litterally can claim ANY abuse and people believe it without question even many judges and prosecutors, it's even worse for black men.

Men are not prone to reporting abuse and they do not gain the same sympathy as a female would anyways, however in some places this is slowly changing. If there are going to be "believe all women" laws then there should be the same for men as well as #metoo.

Any legislation that targets one group giving them advantage legally, morally,ethically and or methodically(which it always is) should be the same for all sexes and colors of people. Don't let the Left who is the party of the "Good Ol Boys" divide us and use usM

(spelling error is his, he did not have paragraph breaks, and I have been unable to fix that, yet easier to read with the white space)

Person who posted after Steve asked for sources and stats. No reply at all. Last sentence is enough to make me roll on the floor laughing. As usual, just showing his prejudices. The VAWA is not limited to one skin color.

Women are also not prone to reporting abuse. Same sex couples could be two men, eh? Transgender could be either or both male/female. It is his beloved Republicans that do not want to include all. Did Steven Cobb even read the article?

Right now the GOP is targeting one group ~ females ~ liberty for men, not for women? Women can not claim any abuse, they must show proof of abuse. You know the black eyes, broken arms, choke marks on necks. An abused man could likewise press charges against abuse from domestic partner.

I have a brother who could be called "hen pecked," but his wife is not physically abusive. The many, many couples I personally know or have known bicker & argue, but no physical abuse. The ones who have been physically and verbally abused are all women, one abused by a female lover, the rest were abused by husbands.

The "especially for black men" sounds like another stereotype. I believe we are all humans, violence not limited to one ethnic group over another. The exception would be patriarchal societies. Even in the U.S. rule of thumb gave husbands the right to beat their wives.

Steven's comment divides. Democrats=bad. Women=bad. VAWA=bad. The Republicans that voted nay, are the ones creating division, rather than inclusion.

Why would they think a proven guilty violent person be allowed to own guns? Sad.

Lonely, Bitter, Violent

Lonely, bitter, violent Qpublicans 

"Edwards prides himself on being pro-life, but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that if abortion is criminalized in North Carolina, many women and girls may meet violent ends. He’ll tolerate that violence, though, because he belongs to a religion more concerned with sanctimony than empathy or people."

I do not know who Edwards is; relation to John Edwards? They claim not to condone violence, yet remain loyal to "punch 'em in the face", "carry him out on a stretcher," "fight like hell" "maybe the 2nd Amendment people can" (stop Hillary) Don. 

It is easy to see they are only pro-life if it means taking away women's right to liberty. It is also to see how Donny's words incite violence. Any true patriotic politician would loudly condemn and ostracize Trump.Instead they push his stolen election lie. 

Recently watched part of a show about militia groups who are training for civil war should trump get indicted for his crimes. I guess justice department is terrified of havoc that would ensue by upholding the law.Those that want a civil war would disrupt life of all, due to loyalty to a sham
artist. Sad.

I recently said that Mastriano would condemn women to death. Author of the opinion piece, P
at Brothwell, expressed it better than myself. 

Fetterman/Oz dream

 Woke from a dream. Eyes closed I started replying to comments. The comments were short, in a row. I assume they were posted under a news article.

A: Fetterman banned pesticides. 

B: Fetterman's ban on tree pesticides will mean orange toilet paper.

C: Oz is life affirming. 

Too much time has passed to remember all the comments. Pro Fetterman, anti-Fetterman. Pro Oz, anti OZ. C above is the one that angered enough so that I wanted to sign in to leave my scathing reply to C.

Life affirming?!!! OZ wants to kill women. Life time prison terms; death penalty for doctors.  Truly I do not know if he said that; Mastriano did. 

I amend my comment: allow women who have pregnancy complications to die. Mastriano and Oz think if you kill a fertilized egg, a blastocyst that has not yet attached to uterine wall, you are guilty of murder. What a tangled web they weave if they get elected. 

A woman whose doctor assists on a pregnancy that aborted itself will need to prove it was not intentional? Already a woman was arrested when a nurse reported her for self-abortion. The charges were later dropped. Why do females need to be subjected to court to prove innocence? 

Makes me sick. No wonder why I had trouble going back to sleep.

Was it a dream or did someone actually comment: "can not take away Medicare/Social Security within 4 or 5 days of getting elected." I think it was in the dream

Well, duh, that new senator or governor is going to be around longer than 3 or 4 days. They let Bush and Trump appoint a Supreme Court justice, but not President Obama. The GOP wanted to stack the court against Roe v Wade and succeeded. Now they are trying to stack Congress with anti Medicare/SS types. 

And the arse spews more propaganda saying Democrats are playing games? Yeah, there may be people dumb enough to give bank info to pay a fee to collect the Mega Million Lottery they won. Even if they did not buy a ticket. 


 Actually I am not sure what time it is. Billboard watch did not reset itself. New phone; did not add app; not sure what the Billboard App is. Might have to get used not knowing what time it is. Does anyone really know what time it is? Is that a song? Um... the computer, smart phone, Kindle all reset themselves to different times. I set the microwave to the computer time. Time only matters if I have an appointment. 

3AM is usually when I wake up; Unable to fall back to sleep. I used to play endless games of Freecell or Spider Solitaire. Then Windows 10 took the games away from computer. I do not like the newer versions.Any attempt to download the originals has failed. Easily distracted from my goals.

Came to blog to record a dream I had just before I woke up. 

Friday night was the first time in a long time I only woke once during the night to empty bladder. Fell back to sleep easily. Did not wake up again until 8:30 AM. Daughter picking me up at 9:30 to go get my hair cut. Tonight too hot.

Ah, this post belongs on Homeless in Long Beach blog. Wear hat and hooded sweatshirt to sleep. Fear more bedbug bites. Want o cover up as much skin as possible. Should get out a sheet rather than use a blanket. I can not sleep unless I am covered up. Will shut up now. 2:10AM by computer time. Last night would have been 3 AM +10 minutes. : > 😎