Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2023

My Reply to Jack Ward

 Is New Jersey  a Mecca's of socialism? A cousin moved to Florida from New Jersey. He is a big trump supporter.

My two war veteran uncles started a print shop business in their father's garage. One uncle was born in Italy, as were their parents, the other in the U.S. of A. The cousin is son of the U.S. of A. born uncle. 

The print shop business flourished. That uncle retired young giving the business to his sons. He retired to Florida, a millionaire to live a life of ease playing golf, making bad investments. The reason he retired young was that he saw his two brothers die young and he wanted to enjoy life. I think he lived into his eighties. His wife, who still lives in Florida, sold their home to move in with my cousin. She is 99.

Never thought about it before, but my uncle and father who both died young were the two born in Italy. Ah, but the sister born there lived longer. The daughter of the uncle who died young, also moved to Florida. I do not know why she and her husband moved there from New Jersey. She despises DJT. 

I have other family that moved to Florida from New Jersey. One cousin on my mother's side of the family also despises Trump. Her foul mouthed brother who still lives in Jersey is so hateful of Democrats, I had to remove him as Facebook friend. 

I can not say what the rest of nieces/nephews politics are. We only communicate via Facebook, and they do not share political stuff. A cousin's daughter I used to babysit for is such a rabid hater of Democrats and lover T and Q/T social lies, I am likely to soon remove her as a FB friend. She also moved to Florida from Jersey.

Another cousin's daughter, a Jersey transplant to Florida, is also anti-trump lies. Her grandma was the sister of my father and two uncles. I guess she still is the sister even though all deceased now? 

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Florida Today Letters to the Editor shared at Yahoo news comment:from Martin:

"let's gat the facts straight. these are not readers. they are democrats whining. you don't win a state in a landslide and the media always posts democrat complaining."

Is "gat" a new pronunciation of "get?" I wonder if Martin even read the Letters? The first long letter was praising an author for opinion piece written by a former NYC teacher with educator husband. I do not know if Crosswinds is a political organization.

The Orange Man was about storage units being built in an area that used to be orange groves. The mascot was a a cartoon man with an Orange for his face. That writer mentioned " in a time before our rockets graced the heavens and before a certain rodent came to town," which I think meant DJT. 

The next letter is about a sheriff and public schools. The writer does say Republicans are an embarrassment and need to work with Democrats. It goes on to criticize Biden and Kamela Harris. Might be an Independent or centralist voter.

A letter encouraging men to become guardian ad item, now that the name has been changed from GAL.

Next letter titled: Many Are Blind to Democrats "dual standards." LOL 'nuff said?

The next letter is a rant about George Santos. The writer ends bashing Democrats for this travesty in Congress. 

Followed by a rant about President Biden.

The last explains why Florida is #1. Jack Ward, Melbourne states: "there is a socialist movement rather than a patriotic  movement in the Democrat party."

Jack also asserts "the cost to rent a U-Haul to come to Florida is double what it costs to leave.Soon U-Haul may pay Florida haters to leave in order to return their equipment." Jack does not like people from states like CA and NY and  "Mecca's of socialism."

If the paper is biased, it seems it would be more biased in favor of GOP. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Party of Rule-or-Ruin

 "I don’t think there should be any punishment or reprisal just because he had an animated moment.” Gaetz

(Mike Rogers)


So that is what physically attacking a person is called now-a-days? Kinda like a violent attack being called "a peaceful protest?" 


"If the Democrats want to make people like Donald Trump pay taxes, they need to change the tax code." 

James Comer on Meet the Press

Actually makes sense to change the tax code. Just rather silly suggesting that a president should not pay taxes. 


I forgot to add this to last post about "never a threat" DJT comment re: J6:

...violence that day left officers with head wounds, cracked ribs and smashed spinal disks. I think the number of injured guards is 140. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Santos compared to Einstein?

 Santos will resign

Oh my, this is hard. I so want to reply to Bear:

I see.. So you calling hs dropouts Einstein, Tarantino, Branson, Walt Disney, John D. Rockefeller, etc., as having no clue.. you funny clown..

Bear was replying to someone who mentioned Santos with no college education, high school dropout who earned a GED.

Did Einstein, Walt Disney, the others completely fabricate a resume to get elected to Congress?

William had the best reply:

Bear: So your putting Santos in the same league as the people you mentioned ? And who is the funny clown here?

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

George Santos COVID lie

Reported that George Santos said: "Unfortunately on the 9th of March I became symptomatic with what we all know now very well, COVID-19 a.k.a coronavirus, commonly known as the Chinese flu. On the 11th I ended up in the hospital. It was really bad, fever, body aches."

"So, I'm free, coronavirus free, so they're calling me a survivor, I don't know if I really survived anything. It's just flu."

He also claimed he had hallucinations. He is trying to sound like his hero DJT, except I think he called it "the China flu."

Comment by Dave
This man is a simply a symptom of a greater problem. If you want understand the problem, read the rest of the comments here with a focus on the replies.

So I did, The majority of the comments basically poking fun at Santos. I liked: next he will be claiming he kilt a bear when he was only three. Some likened him to Biden and Democrats. george534 wrote a long, no white space, comment that sounded like an alternate fact conspiracy theory to me. Then commented on his own comment:

It's why Trump held his covid meetings in high-security meeting rooms, the so-called "Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility" usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. This is the big secret the US is hiding about covid.

Okay if it is a big secret how come george534 knows so much about it? Was he in the "high-security meeting rooms?" Maybe George is George Santos and joined trump in the "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility?"

Was that a room located at Mar-a-Lago, or other golf club facility? I do not recall trump doing much other travel, other than to hold rallies. Maybe the "big secret" was recorded on one of the documents he kept? 

Can always tell when a poster is a gaga MAWA. The article is political, it is not news, left leaning propaganda, and so on. Not a word about George Santos latest lie. 

The best comment was the one that said he should be removed from office. I agree, I do not want a man that is just blathering GOP lines voting on bills that will affect all U.S. citizens. We already have enough Liar -in-Chief loyalists in Congress keeping his lies alive. We do not need more. 

Cowboy is racist?

The comment explained why cowboy was racist. Back in the good old days, white people called black men boys. The cowhands who  herded cattle were black. Notice Clint Eastwood was called a cowhand, not a cowboy. LOL I now know that a cowhand is a cowboy or cowgirl.

Another poster said Cowboys originated in Mexico and brought the term here. That makes sense as I now know the term cowboy came from vaquero, a Spanish word for a person who managed cattle while on horseback. Irrelevant to the article. The Congressman referring to "wiping out the American cowboy," was not claiming ownership of the term.

Yet another poster said they saw a group of men on horseback herding cattle across the highway, only none of them spoke English. I wondered how he could hear all those men galloping by with the herd hooves beats speaking. Maybe they were implying there are no American cowpokes anymore? Or a slur against immigrants or illegals? 

Since I am ending my addiction to Yahoo comments, I am going to post some of my copy/paste notes on this blog. After all that research seems a waste to just delete them. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

don't be so smug or else

 A lot of cheering about the red wave being a red dribble. I recall the line from a song: don't be so smug, or else. It was about a girl, and the guy who warned her about another guy. Now he can laugh, laugh, because she got just what she deserved.

Reminder: there was not much of a blue wave either. GOP candidates that lost to Democrats, did not lose by a large margin, some just %age points. I saw one Democrat that lost by a large number of votes. The rest were basically neck in neck.  Gloat now, cry later. 

I hope the trend continues. I am happy Mastriano and Oz lost. Walker should have lost as well. I understand Warnock is not popular. Yet peeps compare Walker's DID to Fetterman's stroke. None of those 3 have prior government experience. They are Trump extremists. If they could not be defeated by a large number of votes, we, the sane, people are still in trouble. 

For the record, I am not Blue, I am Green. I think I voted for the Peace & Freedom party candidate, or some Women's party, that appealed to me. Due to Roe v Wade and #45, I no longer bother checking out other parties, just vote straight Democrat ~ blue no matter who. I like Fetterman's vision, but not so sure about his Charitable foundation.

It seems it is legit, yet I think elected officials should hold off on starting not for profit charitable foundations, until after they no longer hold office. Mainly a way to avoid paying taxes, me thinks. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Violence Against Women Act

 An old article about the Violence Against Women Act states that Republicans voted against it, because it added new firearms restrictions for persons guilty of domestic violence and also added protections for transgender and same sex couples.

Violence is violence so why would they care if the VAGA included other victims of domestic violence. I was surprised to see Liz Cheney on the list of  Republicans who voted against it. Not surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene voted nay. She is cozy with Trump who supports violence. 

Steven Cobb commented on March 19, 2021:

More men are abused by women physically and emotionally than women abused in any way by men. Women disregard court ordered parenting plans, alienate children while the courts let them unless the father has a competent attorney, women litterally can claim ANY abuse and people believe it without question even many judges and prosecutors, it's even worse for black men.

Men are not prone to reporting abuse and they do not gain the same sympathy as a female would anyways, however in some places this is slowly changing. If there are going to be "believe all women" laws then there should be the same for men as well as #metoo.

Any legislation that targets one group giving them advantage legally, morally,ethically and or methodically(which it always is) should be the same for all sexes and colors of people. Don't let the Left who is the party of the "Good Ol Boys" divide us and use usM

(spelling error is his, he did not have paragraph breaks, and I have been unable to fix that, yet easier to read with the white space)

Person who posted after Steve asked for sources and stats. No reply at all. Last sentence is enough to make me roll on the floor laughing. As usual, just showing his prejudices. The VAWA is not limited to one skin color.

Women are also not prone to reporting abuse. Same sex couples could be two men, eh? Transgender could be either or both male/female. It is his beloved Republicans that do not want to include all. Did Steven Cobb even read the article?

Right now the GOP is targeting one group ~ females ~ liberty for men, not for women? Women can not claim any abuse, they must show proof of abuse. You know the black eyes, broken arms, choke marks on necks. An abused man could likewise press charges against abuse from domestic partner.

I have a brother who could be called "hen pecked," but his wife is not physically abusive. The many, many couples I personally know or have known bicker & argue, but no physical abuse. The ones who have been physically and verbally abused are all women, one abused by a female lover, the rest were abused by husbands.

The "especially for black men" sounds like another stereotype. I believe we are all humans, violence not limited to one ethnic group over another. The exception would be patriarchal societies. Even in the U.S. rule of thumb gave husbands the right to beat their wives.

Steven's comment divides. Democrats=bad. Women=bad. VAWA=bad. The Republicans that voted nay, are the ones creating division, rather than inclusion.

Why would they think a proven guilty violent person be allowed to own guns? Sad.

Lonely, Bitter, Violent

Lonely, bitter, violent Qpublicans 

"Edwards prides himself on being pro-life, but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that if abortion is criminalized in North Carolina, many women and girls may meet violent ends. He’ll tolerate that violence, though, because he belongs to a religion more concerned with sanctimony than empathy or people."

I do not know who Edwards is; relation to John Edwards? They claim not to condone violence, yet remain loyal to "punch 'em in the face", "carry him out on a stretcher," "fight like hell" "maybe the 2nd Amendment people can" (stop Hillary) Don. 

It is easy to see they are only pro-life if it means taking away women's right to liberty. It is also to see how Donny's words incite violence. Any true patriotic politician would loudly condemn and ostracize Trump.Instead they push his stolen election lie. 

Recently watched part of a show about militia groups who are training for civil war should trump get indicted for his crimes. I guess justice department is terrified of havoc that would ensue by upholding the law.Those that want a civil war would disrupt life of all, due to loyalty to a sham
artist. Sad.

I recently said that Mastriano would condemn women to death. Author of the opinion piece, P
at Brothwell, expressed it better than myself. 

Fetterman/Oz dream

 Woke from a dream. Eyes closed I started replying to comments. The comments were short, in a row. I assume they were posted under a news article.

A: Fetterman banned pesticides. 

B: Fetterman's ban on tree pesticides will mean orange toilet paper.

C: Oz is life affirming. 

Too much time has passed to remember all the comments. Pro Fetterman, anti-Fetterman. Pro Oz, anti OZ. C above is the one that angered enough so that I wanted to sign in to leave my scathing reply to C.

Life affirming?!!! OZ wants to kill women. Life time prison terms; death penalty for doctors.  Truly I do not know if he said that; Mastriano did. 

I amend my comment: allow women who have pregnancy complications to die. Mastriano and Oz think if you kill a fertilized egg, a blastocyst that has not yet attached to uterine wall, you are guilty of murder. What a tangled web they weave if they get elected. 

A woman whose doctor assists on a pregnancy that aborted itself will need to prove it was not intentional? Already a woman was arrested when a nurse reported her for self-abortion. The charges were later dropped. Why do females need to be subjected to court to prove innocence? 

Makes me sick. No wonder why I had trouble going back to sleep.

Was it a dream or did someone actually comment: "can not take away Medicare/Social Security within 4 or 5 days of getting elected." I think it was in the dream

Well, duh, that new senator or governor is going to be around longer than 3 or 4 days. They let Bush and Trump appoint a Supreme Court justice, but not President Obama. The GOP wanted to stack the court against Roe v Wade and succeeded. Now they are trying to stack Congress with anti Medicare/SS types. 

And the arse spews more propaganda saying Democrats are playing games? Yeah, there may be people dumb enough to give bank info to pay a fee to collect the Mega Million Lottery they won. Even if they did not buy a ticket. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Democracy vs Republic

 Too bad no one reads my blogs. Someone would comment: we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic. Others would reply, we are a Democratic Republic. Or something like that. I opt for democracy, a government of, for and by the people. 

Others will say we are a capitalist country or socialist democracy. The definitions of both words show little difference. I think of democracy as freedom, and republic as ruled. We are a bit of both. 

Democratic might also be related to unbiased; which movie shall we go to, a show of hands, please. 

Before this constant bickering over Democracy vs Republic, I viewed republic as meaning a country. In the same manner when I was in elementary school and learned "all men are created equal," I thought "men" meant "human beings."

Oh me. Older I realized they did mean men. White men. Not natives on the land, not women (or little naive girls,) or slaves. I understand the concept but we are not created equal. Some, born without limbs, twins joined at heads or two heads on one body. If you are born to wealthy parents you are less equal to one born in poverty.

If you have two intelligent parents, you will likely be created more intelligent than a child born of less intelligent parents. And so on.

MIchelle Park Steel

Michelle Park Steel's name was on some of those GOP drop boxes. State said they are illegal; drop boxes are monitored and regulated. 

Michelle Park Steel's political campaign ads attack opponent Jay Chen of being a China operative, indoctrinating U.S. school children in Communism. He teaches Chinese language.

Do GOP voters think if a school teaches Italian they are recruiting fascists? Or if they teach German they are training students to become Nazi's? If a teacher teaches Spanish they are advocating fascism?

She is pandering to White Nationalist racists and other assorted bigots. DJT talked about draining the swamp? She and his other trump pets need to be drained. 

These candidates are a reflection of who we have become. They believe there are red states, blue states, not a United States of America. 

The audacity to have a biracial brown skinned president. GOP will stoop to no low to win elections. Republican voters want to destroy democracy.

Unoffical ballot drop off boxes in CA

Ballot Boxes   

Orange County is GOP or at least that was the impression I got after the 2016 election. But there could have been fraud involved due to use of these non-official drop boxes placed by GOP. 

I have said for years that DJT is guilty of the things he accuses other of doing.  Stolen election charges because he knew GOP cheated to give him the win? 

GOP says the drop boxes they place are legal, because of a law in CA that others can drop off ballots for them. Like my daughter being able to place my mail-in ballot in a drop box. She could have if I waited until election day, but I can only imagine the line to get inside the building to drop it off myself. So I mailed it.

I am sure that is what the CA law intends. Not having a GOP drop box placed in front of a black church, then picking the ballots. As they say, one needs not be a rocket scientist...

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Comments Paul Pelosi attack

 I was reading comments on Paul Pelosi's attack with a hammer, articles. What about so & so. I have not found any results regarding Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia being attack being ignored by Democrat party. I have found mention of conspiracy theories about his death. I am also confused about Kavanaugh attack. Someone wrote that "it was not about politics, it was a neighbor angry that he dumped garage in his yard."

I need to return to the articles' comments to see if I can find it again. Which attack was the comment directed at? 

That dastardly MSM came up again. Or "establishment media." Those comments, of course, came from obviously MAWAs or GOP supporters. "They will let it go down the rabbit hole," "they need to investigate but will not because it is a Democrat."  It needs to be investigated by media or F.B.I. He should have had a gun. He did have a gun. Hanky panky while wife is away. Nancy & Paul were getting it on, then staged the attack.

Jussie Smollett is mentioned on different articles. Weak minds think alike? It is possible that Paul was on the downlow. Equally possible that the intruder intended to rape him. Younger men often rape defenseless elderly women. In Nursing Homes even. Imagine if you are asleep, awoken by a man in his underwear climbing into bed with you. It is reported that Paul's 911 call asked "What are you going to do to me?" Did not sound like he invited the guy inside.

Perhaps that is why some peeps think it was a setup or lie. Gee, whiz, okay, I will let you break my skull with a hammer, so we can...what? Blame Republicans? Qpublicans might be responsible for the attack. The attacker posted  Q stuff, although I did not see any screen shots proving such. Only photos of him taking photos at a Nude protest and hugging a nude lady (her back to camera, him all smiles.)

Most plausible that it was a T fan. He lead the "let's all hate Nancy together parade." "We're gonna go to the Capitol and fight like hell." Might be exact T quote. Reported that SS would not allow him to march with his fans, which angered him.What did those people yell? Kill Pelosi, where is Nancy, kill Mike Pence." 

Whatabout Nancy ripping up copy of his speech? Whatabout her laughing when she tore up his speech? She owes T an apology. Sigh.

Thursday, October 27, 2022


antonewilliam comment:
 The question I ask very conservative members of the republican party who support such ideas as the stolen election claim:

Do you really think that Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, Bush would go along with the current iteration of their party? Really? George B: I disagree that "very conservative members of the republican party" support the stolen election claim. I see these people as radical Republicans that do not exhibit conservative values. Joseph: I'm gonna back you up on this one. The true conservatives, Liz Cheney et al, know that their party was corrupted by the Mango Mussolini stirring up al Qaeda (translation: the base). Unfortunately the American Taliban sect of republicans have managed to shout down the true conservatives. It may not be that there's more of the uneducated deplorables, but since they embrace violence as a political method the true cons live in fear of asserting themselves. George: Agreed, calling magas conservatives is a joke. They are Qpublicans. Daniel Dennis: Depending on the state, I know in Washington there are no polling sites only mail in. Which I personally think is great, I can track my ballot on line and the evidence of voter fraud doesn’t exist to any extent that could alter an election unless it’s a complete tie, which never has happened. No comment, except to say I agree with Daniel Dennis. Or election day needs to be national holiday, with enough polling booths and hours to give every citizen an opportunity to vote. I also believe Primary election days need to be national holiday and all citizens to vote in any and all primaries. Trump would never have been chosen to run as a Republican if all citizens could choose the best candidates to run in all Parties.
The remainder of comments I read were the typical back and forth: "we are a Republic, not a Democracy, Clown," followed by "we are a Democratic Republic, Clown." The MAGA's out in force believing every stolen election lie they were fed. One lady wrote that her very Republican father would turn over in his grave if he saw what the GOP has become today. I once said my very intelligent, political savvy, Democrat father would turn in his grave if he saw Trump elected. My sister meanwhile wrote that our father would turn over in his grave if he saw what happened to his beloved Democrat party. I now question her intelligence due to her adoration of the con-man. I did not think her racists or bigoted (except maybe towards Indian/Americans, the people her ex used to call "dot-heads") ~ although she is common law married to a man I would label: Redneck if I still used that term.
He asked if I liked Hillary of Donny ~ I replied that I did not like either of them. That frustrated him because he could not bait me into an argument. I have seen him gaslight her. No one in the family understands what she sees in him.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

What Are You Hungry For?

 What Are You Hungry For? Is Deepak Chopra's solution to weight loss. Or a book explaining weight gain, and how to overcome it without really trying.

What does that have to do with Roe v Wade or politics in general? Stress.  High cortisol levels contribute to belly fat. High cortisol levels are related to too much stress. According to Deepak and others, when people are stressed they eat more.

I am not stressed. Unless it is the post traumatic disorder kind. I am basically calm. Insomnia, vivid, wild, crazy dreams that you remember are also symptoms of stress. Aha. In a word trump. Irritability and anger are signs of stress. I can think I am living a calm, stress-free life, when actually I get irritable and angry reading comments by trumpets. 

Are they willfully ignorant or blind? He should be irrelevant and shunned due to his misbehavior, especially on Jan. 6th when he led his pets to storm the Capitol to "stop the steal." Why do elected Republicans still support the man?

Its a conspiracy I tell you, as my son used to say. 

He is still holding rallies spewing his lies to the faithful. It scares me. It saddens me. It makes me angry. Um, stress, I see. 

Biden vs Trump

 In previous post it was noted that Democrats and Republicans agree that the U.S. democracy is in danger of collapse ~ according to poll ~ 69% of each group. Republicans blame Biden; Democrats blame Trump.

Loyalty to party rather than loyalty to country, and Republicans call themselves patriots? 

Will President Biden claim he won the election if he loses it? Will he hold a rally on January 6th, tweeting "be there, it will be wild" and telling his supporters to "Stop The Steal" by marching to the Capitol building? No, no, and no. 

Losing candidates have sometimes contested the election results; but none have held rallies on the day Electoral college votes were to be counted. None asked their VP to illegally change state votes in his favor. None, except Trump have called governors asking them to find votes. Crooked through and through. 

Yet Republicans are so blind they can not see that the wannabe President for Life is the enemy of democracy?

I read comments. 😎 Trump fans insist Jan. 6th was a riot, not an instructionss. An insurrectionn is a violent uprisingg against government. They claim that in no way was the sitting president responsiblee for the breaking,enteringg of the Capitoll Building.He told them he was going to march with them to the Capitol to "stop the steal." What were they going to do when they got there? Stand outside chanting: Stop the Steal; give trump the win?

Too bad common sense is not. How did trump think his fans were going to stop Congress from doing their job? How do those 69% of Republicans polled think it was okay for the protestors to break into a government building in an attempt to "stop the steal." If the woman had not been illegally in the Capitol building climbing through a broken glass window, she would not have gotten shot. 

Why was she there? Because her man trump told her to be there to stop the steal.

In a way I am sad that it is highly unlikely I will live to see the U.S. of A democracy  collapse because of an outspoken Birther, corrupt con man. He supports White Nationalists to the extent that he refused to host President Obama at a White House  unveiling of Obama's portrait. 

This is what will destroy the United States of America ~ white Republicans hatred of black, brown citizens. They are also  misogynist, so that if enough white women get disgusted with them, we still have a chance to remain a nation.

Democracy on danger of collapse?

 The Republicans’ reaction to Mr. Biden’s speech was remarkable. For years, they stood quietly by as Mr. Trump vilified and demonized anyone who disagreed with him — encouraging supporters to beat up protesters; demanding that his rivals be arrestedaccusing critics of treason and even murdercalling opponents “fascists”; and retweeting a supporter saying “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.” But they rose up as one on Thursday night and Friday to complain that Mr. Biden was the one being divisive.

In a remarkable consensus, a new Quinnipiac University poll found that 69 percent of Democrats and 69 percent of Republicans say that democracy is “in danger of collapse.” But one side blames former President Donald J. Trump and his “MAGA Republicans” while the other fingers President Biden and the “socialist Democrats.”

Democracy in danger of collapse?

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Move On, Let's Celebrate

 GOP candidate for Illinois Governor Darren Bailey releases a video regarding the shooting in Highland Park:

“Now let’s move on and celebrate the independence of this nation. We know the mission. We have got to get corruption and evil out of our government.”
Did the wannabe governor just imply that a corrupt, evil government official just killed 6 people? Or that the government officials that want stricter gun regulations are corrupt and evil?
I think he is fairly evil thinking people whose loved ones died in the shooting and those who witnessed yet another mass shooting would be in the mood to move on and celebrate. In true Republican fashion, he did ask the crowd to pray before telling them to move on & celebrate. Twitter reply to the video:
#BREAKING: Well-Regulated Militia Opens Fire On Fourth Of July Parade In Highland Park, Illinois; Cheap Thoughts And Useless Prayers Now Being Rushed To The Scene ... more on this soon-to-be-forgotten-and-then-repeated story as it develops ...